Install Pega Customer Decision Hub in Personal Edition 8.5

In this quick tutorial I would like to show you How to Install Pega Customer Decision Hub in Personal Edition 8.5 version.

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Install Pega Personal Edition 8.5v

Login as Administrator (username:, pwd: install)

Step 1: create new schema in database

In your external database, create the schema where your customer data resides, for example, ExternalMKTData, and ensure that the Pega Deployment User has full permissions for this schema.

Step 2: Database Information

Before you install Pega Customer Decision Hub, ensure that you have the following database information available

  • Hostname or IP address (Example: localhost)
  • Database port (Example: 5432)
  • Database name (Example: postgres)
Step 3: Create Database rule

Create the ExternalMKTDatadatabase rule.

  • Log in to Pega Platform (https://<hostname>:<port>/prweb) by entering the administrative ID, for example, and the password install
  • Click Records SysAdmin Database.
  • Click Create.
  • Enter the following information:   Short description -External Marketing Data, Database -ExternalMKTData
  • Click Create and open.
  • On the Database tab, select the connection method from the How to connect drop-down list and enter the required connection information. The connection method is JDBC URL.

PostgreSQL (JDBC URL Syntax)


Ex: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres

  • Click the Advanced tab.
  • In the section List other databases that should be reachable by views in this database, click Add
    item to add a new row and select PegaDATAin the autocomplete Database Name field.
  • Click the Database tab.
  • Click Save.
  • Click Test Connection
Step 4: Create DSS

In Pega Platform, create the following Dynamic System Setting to specify the default schema used by the
ExternalMKTDatadatabase rule:

Owning Ruleset -Pega-Engine
Setting Purpose -prconfig/database/databases/ExternalMKTData/defaultSchema/default
*Restart Pega Platform to enable the setting

Step 5: Importing application bundles

Rules/ This contains the Pega Customer Decision Hub framework application which consists of schema changes, JAR files, and rulesets required by Pega Customer Decision Hub that are not shipped separately.

Step 6: Running the Pega Customer Decision Hub Setup Utility
  • The Pega Customer Decision Hub Setup Utility is used to run database scripts against your database. It can be run either interactively, or with a preconfigured database.propertiesfile.
  • This utility is located in the ResourceKit/setup folder
  • Run the script setup.bat (Windows) or (Unix/Linux). The utility validates the DB connection and generates scripts based upon the properties set in the database.propertiesfile.
  • After the scripts are generated, you are prompted to execute the scripts or cancel setup. You can
    review the scripts before executing them.
  • After running the scripts, you can review the run_sql_errors_<hostname>.log file in the logs folder to make sure that there are no critical errors.
  • If you are installing Pega Customer Decision Hub for the first time, you may see a Drop Procedure error. You can ignore this error.
Step 7: Restarting the application server

At the end of the installation process, restart the application server.

  • Log out of Pega Platform.
  • Stop and start the application server
Step 8: Verifying that you can create the Pega Customer Decision Hub application

To verify that the installation process has completed successfully, check that the New Application
wizard shows the option to create a new Pega Customer Decision Hub or Pega Operations Manager

  • In Dev Studio, click Application New Application.
  • In the New Application wizard, verify that you see the options to create a new Pega Customer
    Decision Hub or Pega Operations Manager application.

Hope you learned How to Install Pega Customer Decision Hub in Personal Edition 8.5 version.

One thought on “Install Pega Customer Decision Hub in Personal Edition 8.5

  • can you please share the file content. my content is as below.

    FILE location : 116869_PCRM8.5\ResourceKit\setup\

    #PegaMarketing Setup database properties
    #Sun, 27 Dec 2020 10:15:56 +0530



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