Presenting a single offer on the web – Decisioning Consultant

In this quick tutorial you will learn about how to Presenting a single offer on the web – Decisioning Consultant.

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Presenting a single offer on the web
  • In the Engagement policy tab you can configure business rules to define when specific actions or groups of actions are appropriate for customers.
enagagement policy tab for presenting offer on the web channel
  • You can configure the actions here.
create offer pega decisioning
  • To display an offer, you need to add a treatment that is specific to the channel.
edit single offer in the pega decisioning consultant
  • A web treatment represents the message that you want to communicate visually to your customer on the web channel. You can either use an existing treatment or create one here.
  • Content URL – you provide a link to an image that will display the action for this treatment. Once you provide the link, a preview of the content is displayed. 
create web treatment in pega customer decision hub
  • Click through URL – This is the URL that you want the customer to go to when they click on the action.
  • Add the web treatment you just created.
offer web treatment in pega decision hub
  • Once the real-time container is added, configure it to select the results from an appropriate Business issue and Group.
adding real time container in pega customer decision hub
  • Save the changes for the configuration to take effect.
  • The web treatment is shown as a tile on the top right of the page.
presenting single offer on the web
  • When Customer clicks on the ‘Learn more’ button, it takes him to the URL that was configured as the click-through URL for the treatment.

Hope you learned about how to Presenting a single offer on the web – Decisioning Consultant. Will see in the next post.

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